
Achieve financial independence through real estate investing. Stop wasting time and money ... grow your business now!


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Life is too short to let someone else control your destiny.

But you can feel overwhelmed and uncertain as you search through the sea of information. It can be expensive and time consuming for a simple plan and proven tools to grow your business.

You deserve financial freedom without the stress!

Get support to grow your real estate business.

like the Lone Ranger

Get connected to the people and resources you need

about making the wrong decisions

Get the information and insights you need to make the best decisions for your business

your time and money

Get access to the people, knowledge and resources you need ASAP.

We’re investors too.

So we know what it’s like to have a dream, yet feel frustrated by overwhelm and uncertainty.

That's why we’re here ... to make investing work for YOU.

Since 1985 successful real estate investors have been part of a REIA. With over 120 local Chapters and Local Associations we are the only non-profit serving independent investors.

You deserve financial freedom without the stress!

A good local REIA will give you access to all the resources and knowledge you need to make it in this business.
Tarin Ward
Broward REIA
Every new investor should be part of the local REIA….if you really want to be a real estate investor, it makes sense that you should be hanging out with people that are actually doing it.
Jeff Rapport
It’s been one of the best ways to build my self-confidence to overcome the fears I’ve had.
Yutaka Maseba
LA South REA and LA REIA

Here’s how it works...

1. Join Now

Get connected

2. Engage

Get access to the people, resources and knowledge you need

3. Achieve

Use our community to support your success and journey to financial freedom


wasting time and money and stressing out

With hundreds of sources offering “help” for investors, you don’t know who to trust to turn to for expert support, and proven solutions.


getting connected and building your dreams today

With a REIA community, you’ll get personalized support and time-tested answers to your toughest investing challenges.

At National REIA we know that you want to be a financially independent real estate investor.

To do that, you need support to grow your business. The problem is it’s expensive and time consuming to find a simple plan and proven tools and you don’t know who to trust which makes you feel overwhelmed and uncertain.

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We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to be financially free.

We understand what it’s like to feel stressed and confused about where to find support.

That’s why since 1985 successful real estate investors have been part of REIA. With over 120 Chapters and Local Associations and 40,000 local members we are the only non-profit association serving independent investors.

All you need to do is:







so you can stop wasting time and money
and be a successful investor
achieving financial independence!

Your turn...

GET THE GUIDE to the best real estate strategy for you.